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About the Book
Astronomically, the intersection points of the sun and moon –
on their movements in the celestial sphere – are called Rahu and Kethu. They
are also called the north node and south node. Rahu and Kethu are unimaginably
huge dark shadows in space. During their transit, when their shadow falls on
any planet, that planet’s all-effects will be completely altered or diverted by
Rahu and Kethu. Rahu and Kethu are solely responsible for a beggar to become a
millionaire and a millionaire to become a beggar. This book elaborately
discusses the effects of Rahu and Kethu. In the horoscope, how Rahu and Kethu are
positioned, and how the planets and the houses (Bhavas) are affected by them in
the birth chart are all analysed in this book.
How and when the natives will be affected? To what extent they
will be affected? It is because of the birth chart, the transit movement and
the Dhasa Bhukthi of Rahu and Kethu? They are all clearly explained in this
book with many birth charts. Kindly read this book thoroughly, analyse it with
your known people’s horoscope, and experience the result. It will surely give
you Goosebumps!
- Stock: In Stock
- Author: Tirupur S. GopalaKrishnan (GK)
- SKU: DCI-00210
- ISBN: 978-164850684