Publisher: Sagar Publications
Author: Chandulal S. Patel
About the Book:- Navamsa occupies an outstanding position and has to be properly understood and
interpretated for making precise prediction. The author has presented this book
dealing with the subject in detail and drawing from nadi and other classical
texts along with practical illustration..
Rs.200.00 Rs.225.00
Ex Tax:Rs.200.00
Publisher: Sagar Publications
Author: V.P. Goel
DCI RecommendedThree distinguishing
features of Hindu Astrology are divisional charts, Dasha systems, and yogas.
This book deals with divisional charts. We all know the concept of
divisional charts after we go through the Bnhat Parashar Hora Shastra. lt is
for the first time that the practical a..
Rs.699.00 Rs.800.00
Ex Tax:Rs.699.00
Publisher: COE-Indian Council of Astrological Sciences
Author: Dr. T S Vasan
About the Book:-
techniques have been described in the book on how to use Navamsha, one of the
most important divisional charts in Vedic Astrology. The customary practice of
every Astrologer is to erect Rashi chart, Navamsha chart and Bhava chart before
venturing into delineation. After..
Ex Tax:Rs.140.00
Publisher: COE-Indian Council of Astrological Sciences
Author: Dr. T S Vasan
About the Book:-
is a Hindi version of an English book. Several
techniques have been described in the book on how to use Navamsha, one of the
most important divisional charts in Vedic Astrology. The customary practice of
every Astrologer is to erect Rashi chart, Navamsha chart and Bhava ch..
Ex Tax:Rs.140.00
Publisher: Sagar Publications
Author: V.P. Goel
About the Book:- Predict With
Navamsha: A Guide to Vedic Astrology | V.P. Goel | This book deals with the practical application of
navamsha. Many aspects of navamsha like marriage, religious devotion, sixty
fourth navamsha, vish navamsha and timing of marriage are discussed with practic..
Rs.230.00 Rs.250.00
Ex Tax:Rs.230.00
Publisher: Sagar Publications
Author: Chandulal S. Patel
About the Book:-
This book is a compilation of chosen articles written by Mr C.S.Patel over the
last four decades on his researches on the predictive use of Navamsa and
related principles found only in Nadi astrology...
Rs.299.00 Rs.325.00
Ex Tax:Rs.299.00
Publisher: Sagar Publications
Author: V.P. Goel
About the Book:- Career is of utmost importance for all
individuals. From childhood parents are worried about the future of their
children. They are worried about the education of their children. The four
concerns of a person can be summed up by ECMC. This stands for education,
career, mar..
Rs.220.00 Rs.250.00
Ex Tax:Rs.220.00
Publisher: Sagar Publications
Author: V.P. Goel
About the Book:-
नवांश से फलित यह
पुस्तक नवांश का व्यवहारिक प्रयोग
दिखाती है l नवांश के
अनेक आयाम जैसे विवाह,
धर्म के प्रति आस्था,
चौसठवा नवांश, विवाह का समय इत्यादि
विषय उदहारण सहित सरल भाषा
में बताये गए है l विवाह
सम्बंधित अनेक नियम दिए
गए है l इन नियमो
से हम विवाह सम्बन्धी
प्रशनो के उ..
Ex Tax:Rs.195.00
Publisher: Sagar Publications
Author: Raj Kumar Lt. Col. (Retd.)
About the Book:- पुस्तक-सार
विभिन्न वर्गों की तुलना में नवांश की अपेक्षाकृत महत्ता सभी लोगों ने स्वीकार की है। ज्योतिषी इसे जन्म कुंडली के ठीक बाद या समकक्ष या उस से भी बेहतर मानते हैं। लगभग सभी ज्योतिषी कोई भी पूर्वानुमान देने से पहले, विभिन्न भावों और ग्रहों की शक्ति जानने के लिए कुंडली और नवां..
Rs.330.00 Rs.360.00
Ex Tax:Rs.330.00
Publisher: Sagar Publications
Author: Raj Kumar Lt. Col. (Retd.)
About the Book:- Among various Vargas, the relative importance of Navamsha is universally
acclaimed. Astrologers consider it to be just next to birth chart or equal to
birth chart or even better than the birth chart. Almost all astrologers use
Navamsha and birth chart together to assess str..
Rs.299.00 Rs.350.00
Ex Tax:Rs.299.00
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 (1 Pages)