Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: Lt. Prof. K S Krishnamurti
Casting The Horoscope-KP Reader -1 Contents: 1. Preface; 2. Introduction; 3. The mother earth; 4. To locate a place on earth; 5. The heavens; 6. Different kinds of time: Standard time, Local mean time; 7. Date from which the standard time is adopted by various nations; 8. Difference between Greenwic..
Rs.175.00 Rs.200.00
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Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: Lt. Prof. K S Krishnamurti
DCI Highly RecommendAbout the Book:- PREDICTIVE STELLAR ASTROLOGY(Third Reader) (Paperback) KP system gives importance to the Constellations / Stars / Nakshatras divisions K.P. System uses K.P. Ayanamshas This system uses Cusps that is house/ bhav beginnings like Western Systems, as oppos..
Rs.590.00 Rs.650.00
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Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: Lt. Prof. K S Krishnamurti
Transit -Gocharapala Nirnayam -Reader 5 Contents: A. Introduction; B. Western system - transit for individual charts; C. Hindu system; D. Sun's transit; E. Moon's transit; F. Mars's transit; G. Mercury's transit; H. Jupiter's transit; I. Venus's transit; J. Saturn's transit; K. Nodes's tra..
Rs.399.00 Rs.450.00
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Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: K. Subramaniam
About the Book:- Astrology & Education KP : The book will be useful to every reader to know thoroughly about his future success in the field of higher education and success in educational prospects. It will be more useful for KP students, research scholars, and all astrologers, g..
Rs.270.00 Rs.300.00
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Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: K. Subramaniam
About the Book:- KP Profession: Shri K. Subramaniam's Astrological book on “Profession” provides a treatise on the subject. At the same time, it serves as a ready reckoner too since the basic principles have been set out in a nutshell for any one to understand them easily. The Author..
Rs.270.00 Rs.300.00
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Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: Late Sri M.P. Shanmugam
ASTRO SECRETS AND KRISHNAMURTI PADDHATI PART 1-In this book the author Sri. M.P. Shanmugham shares his views and findings. That is how the subject theory was offered to us by late GuruJI Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti. who Invented the K.P. Stellar method. Is the only method available to us, to offer a res..
Rs.235.00 Rs.250.00
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Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: K. Subramaniam
Contents: 1. Krishnamurti Paddhati and Education, 2. Sub Lord, 3. K.P. & Astrology, 4. Sub lord Speaks, 5. Selection paper through Krishnamurti Paddhati Brothers 6. Unity Among ST, 7. Sub-Lords who diverts the Dasa Lords, 8. Ascendant Lagna, 9. Lagna Determination (From Article Epileptic Fits), ..
Rs.220.00 Rs.250.00
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Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: K. Subramaniam
About the Book: The editor of this book Sri. K. Subramaniam has strained his nerves to find out the truth in this Astro science, following the footsteps and teachings of our beloved Guruji late. Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti for a few decades and has found the truth about how the planets' results/nature i..
Rs.220.00 Rs.250.00
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Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: K. Subramaniam
PrefaceThe book Astro Secrets and Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Part IV has been Published with many authors' articles on the Rectification of birth time. Students of Astrology following the System: Krishnamurti Padhdhati which has been handed over to us by our Guruji Jyothish Marthand, Sothida Mannan Pro..
Rs.180.00 Rs.200.00
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Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: K. Subramaniam
DescriptionCONTENTS1. Lord Ganesh2. Stellar Astrology - Utility of ruling planets in timing of events3. Simplicity of the stellar system of prognostication4 Borrowing 5. A lesson from Retrograde planets: Re-selling a car6. Retrograde & Transfer 7. The truth of the Theory of KP8. Exalted Jupiter ..
Rs.225.00 Rs.250.00
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Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: K. Subramaniam
Contents Lottery and Luck1Ruling Planets never err5The Celestial Stars Through K.P.9Are we going Abroad by the next flight13A peep at the Maraka Sthanas and the Badhaka Sthana15K.P. Analysis Revolution of university Exam Marks19Ruling Planets and Receipt of power Connection25K.P. Analysis Gas C..
Rs.275.00 Rs.300.00
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Publisher: Krishman & Co.
Author: K. Subramaniam
Rs.400.00 Rs.450.00
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