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About the Book:- Ashtakvarga is a unique system developed by
the genius of Hindu Maharishis to assess the strength of planets in transit.
The birth horoscope shows only the position of planets at the time of birth,
but since planets are in motion all the time with respect to their original
position as well as with reference to other planets it is necessary to
establish the strength of the planets to ascertain whether they will give good
results or bad results. It is an established rule of astrology that only strong
planets will give good results, for example, a strong Sun in the horoscope will
give high status, respect, wealth, and good health while a weak Sun will lead
to being discarded by the family and friends. There will quarrel with bosses
leading to disgrace. There will be a heat problem and 'aim-less' wandering as
Parashara calls it. It is for this reason that Phaladeepika extols the virtue
of a third system with whose help one can establish whether the planet will
give good or evil results. According to Parashara, only general predictions can
be given on the basis of birth horoscope. The definite results can only be
ascertained with the help of ASHTAKVARGA. This system, therefore, is an
offshoot of the Parashari system and provides a great aid to give accurate
- Stock: In Stock
- Author: M.S. Mehta & Rajesh C. Dadwal
- SKU: DCI-00081
- ISBN: 81-70820774