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About the Book:- This is the first ever
book written exhaustively on Mundane astrol- ogy, based on the Hindu system of
Astrology. Indeed very few books exist on this subject & these few have
been written mainly by the Western Astrologers, using tropical system.
The uniqueness
of the book lies in the fact that it has been written exhaustively &
contains apart from all the known methods of inter- pretation of a Mundane
Chat, new clues to make the predictions precise & correct. The author laboured
hard for many years making research and collecting material for the book, from
whatever source he could lay his hands on although the sources were few and far
between. He has however succeeded to a very great extent, in presenting the
research material is such a manner that the reader will feel confident in
arriving at correct judgement, after using the clues & in- formation given
in various chapters.
The book has
been devided into 11 chapters.
The first
chapter gives Principles of Judgement in a very detailed manner and the 2nd
chapter provides such vast & exhaustive infor- mation about the results of
planets' location in the 12 Houses that an intelligent reader can, by using this
material alone, make correct predictions with confidence. The 3rd chapter gives
results of 15 sets of conjunctions of planets which is an additional tool for
making cor- rect predictions. The 4th Chapter deals with transits of planets
& can be used to visulise years in advance, the coming events - good or bad.
The 5th chapter on Eclipses is very important & enables one to foresee the
likely happenings including deaths of the rulers, wars, earthquakes, etc. The
6th chapter on Comets gives information about the events relating to rulers,
kingdoms, wars & other calamities. The 7th chapteon Earthquackes is very
important and contains the research findings of an eminent astrologer, using
which it is possible to find out with a fair degree of accuracy when & where
the tremor will strike during the year. The 8th chapter deals with Planetary
Cabinet for the year. The 9th chapter gives the probable events when different
planets act as ruler of the year.
The 10 chapter
contains results of 60 Hindu lunar Years. The 11th chapter gives
several practical examples of detailed and exhaustive in- interpretations of
Mundane charts. While writing each chapter, the predictive aspect has been
given the sole attention. Every reader in- interested in Mundane sphere will find
the book extremely useful.