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About the Book:- Progeny & romance Romance & marriage Is progeny promised? Why is progeny prolonged? Love marriage The prenatal epoch & progeny K.P.R.P. Marriage & romance life KP name of confidence in astrology, "love" - before & after marriage Marriage Punarphoo & KP Love & marriage When is the marriage - through KP Stellar Astrology & childbirth Marriage & married life Wife pregnant or not? Will my love affair materialize? Issueless due to non-attaining puberty No issue at all By what time shall I be blessed with a child? Delivery before maturity time Prospects of childbirth - KP reveals Death of all children Astro-diagnosis of pregnancy Krishnamurti Padhdhati confirms "delivery of female baby" Childbirth & the wonderful behavior of sub Any child for me Premature delivery Ruling planets & childbirth "Will I get married?" Can the time of childbirth be assured by KP?