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ASTRO SECRETS AND KRISHNAMURTI PADDHATI PART 1-In this book the author Sri. M.P. Shanmugham shares his views and findings. That is how the subject theory was offered to us by late GuruJI Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti. who Invented the K.P. Stellar method. Is the only method available to us, to offer a result. for the various type of questions from the confused persons. who approach astrologers. to have their doubts cleared precisely.
He has written in details, the Sublord theory and the results in various houses and how the scientific analysis is to be made while offering predictions. This book in the hands of of readers of KP interested in KP Astrology will match the taste of honey. A careful reading and anlaysis made as explained in this book, and when predictions made, they will come true without a mistake.
- Stock: In Stock
- Author: Late Sri M.P. Shanmugam
- SKU: DCI-00011
- ISBN: 818-8082074