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About the Book
This book is a compilation of 25 research articles written by
the author and published in various magazines in India and abroad covering
prediction techniques from Nadi Astrology and other systems including Gochara,
Stellar Effects, Interpretation of Varga charts & Nadi chart, Birth time
rectification, Navamsha lords, Benefic & Malefic planets, and Gems etc.
Nadi astrology is also known for its uniform and non-uniform
Nadi Amshas which are 150 divisions of each Rashi. The author has prepared the
Nadi chart which is 150th divisional through my research and interpreted it
along with the other 16 Varga charts analyzing the benefic and malefic
percentage of planets and bhavas in these charts. It is visualised that the nadi
chart is the Seed chart whereas the other varga and rasi charts are Soil and
Season charts and if the planets in Nadi chart have more benefic percentage
than the other charts then the individual would do well and if the planets in
Nadi chart are less benefic than the other charts then the individual has to
struggle in life. The author has given these details in my articles Note on
Nadi Amsha, Nadi Amsha chart Interpretation of Varga charts and Nadi chart and
"16 rare secrets of Varga charts."
The transit of planets over the Natal planets and houses in
the Birth chart is called Gochara and the author has given the interpretation
of these transits in the articles "Gochara", “Marriage
Age-A Nadi Method age the individual is likely to be married " Life
pattern from major planets transits" and "Daily events check with
Horary and Natal charts" "Lagnas and Moon Rashis for couples"
and "Some predictive techniques."
The author has given the best method for birth time
rectification based on Tatwa/ Antar Tawa Siddhanta consisting of Tatwas of
Prithvi, Jala, Agni, Vayu and Akash in my article "Tatwa Siddhanta-Birth
time rectification" along with examples and ready-made tables for easy
The author has given the interpretation of stars in which the planets
are situated in birth chart in my article "Stellar Effects", "Jeeva
and Shareera of Grahas" "Horoscope of Swami Jnanananda-A saint &
scientist, "The 12th bhava of the two Krishnamurthys-Enlightened thinkers"
and "Comments on Twin births ".
Navamsha Chart is 1/9 th of Rashi chart is very important varga chart and the author has given a novel method of interpretation of Navamsha lords in my article "Navamsha lords and predictions".
The author has written articles "Anukul versus Pratikul Vad" and "Benefic & malefic planets & Gems" to indicate which gems planets are to benefic be used and for which planets.
It is said that the past life sins will be reflected in this present life with some planets giving malefic results working angry towards the individual and the author has given how to find these malefic planets so that some remedial measures may be done for these angry planets, in author's article "Angry Planets".
- Stock: In Stock
- Author: Dr. Pemmaraju V. R. Rayudu
- SKU: DCI-00202
- ISBN: 978-939143056