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About the Book:- Rahu
and Ketu, the north and south nodes of the moon, are probably the most
interesting, profound, and mysterious of all planetary influences in Vedic
astrology. As the dragon's head and the dragon's tail of western astrological
thought the two nodes represent powerful psychic forces beyond our personal
control or understanding They deal with the secret, hidden, eccentric,
spiritual, or perverse sides of life-the higher and lower ranges of human
activity beyond the normal scope covered by the seven major planets. The nodes
are closely connected to world events and global trends-the broader streams of
destiny and the collective influences that can overwhelm our personal karma,
including destructive occurrences like wars or plagues. They are also key
indicators of future social developments. For example, the mass media relates
to Rahu, which represents new, popular and expansive trends, while much of the
cutting edge of science and technology, like computers, relates to Ketu, which
represents insight, precision, and unlocking the secrets of nature. In this
regard, Rahu and Ketu have a place in Vedic astrology similar to that of the
outer planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in western astrology which are also
used for the collective phenomenon. Rahu comes from the Sanskrit root' rah' meaning
to hide and refers to what is secret, mysterious, and profound or a cave. Rahu
obscures or protects and indicates Maya, which is not only an illusion but also
any magical power or captivating knowledge. Ketu comes from the root 'ci' meaning
to highlight, appear or become consciousness or a flag. Prash Trivedi offers
what is probably the longest, most researched, and most original book on Rahu
and Ketu published in modern times. He has studied the classics thoroughly and
understands the ancient symbolism of the nodes, which he explains with great
lucidity. But he is no mere repeater of old information.
- Stock: In Stock
- Author: Prash Trivedi
- SKU: DCI-00070
- ISBN: 978-81708212