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About the Book:- Vaastu Shastra For
Everyone is a guide that helps you understand the basic principles of Vaastu
and then apply these in your daily lives. It helps you navigate your specific
set of circumstances, inviting Vaastu energy into your spaces. The book shares
the origins of Vaastu and the basis of the science and takes you through the
critical principles that impact your living spaces and the people functioning
within, as well as the individual outcomes based on how your spaces are
It discusses the principles that impact open
and closed spaces, plots, their shapes and boundaries, and how to arrange the
different spaces, building materials, water bodies and terrains. Whether you
are about to purchase a property or are already living in one, you can adapt
the principles you learn in this book to bring about positive and healthy
outcomes in your life. The book will enable you to live in a holistic space,
creating, enhancing, and sustaining positive outcomes. If you are facing any
issues in your life, the book will also help you pinpoint the causes based on
the arrangement of the spaces you occupy. Using these principles, you can have
Vaastu energy strengthening your life and those of your family and friends too.
- Stock: In Stock
- Author: Dr. Ravi Rao
- SKU: DCI-00425
- ISBN: 978-819624552