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About the Book
Vastu Chintamani is my humble offering to the lovers
of the Science of Indian Architecture It provides a basic introduction to the
core principles of building construction. It is not sufficient to remember the
principles of Vastu if the rationale behind them is not understood. In every
construction, a different situation might arise which may not be covered in the
book. At such a juncture, unless the invisible reasons behind the principles
are known, the decision in regard to new situation cannot be taken. This is an attempt
in the direction to equip the reader to handle any kind of situation.
This is a book of basics as it attempts to explain the
rationale of the Vastu principles behind every building. It is neither too
detailed a text nor just an enumeration of the laws of Västu Sastra. Rather it
draws attention to some of the indispensable features which have their roots in
the sacred scriptures like Vedas, Brahmanas, Upanishads and Srimadbhagavad
The book also emphasizes the paramount need of harmony
between nature and living. It also presents how the Västu principles are
developed over the foundation of nature and its forces. Once these basic
principles are understood, one can modify them based on ' Desh, Kaal and Patra'
(region, time and nativity).
Vastu Chintamani is primarily aimed for the students of
ICAS for their Västu Praveena and Västu Acharya exams. The book is structured
according to the syllabus prescribed by ICAS; however, the style and content of
the book is such that others can also benefit.
This book is a compilation of thoughts and knowledge
received by me from my revered Guru Shri A B Shukla, Hon. National President of
Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.). I have collected these
thoughts of Shri Shukla from his lectures, class notes, private discussions and
the classical literature he suggested me to refer.
I started writing this book by repeating 'श्री गुरु चरण
सरोज रज, निज मन मुकुर सुधारि' Shri guru
charan saroj raj, nij man mukur sudhari (Tulasidas). I have tried to gather
the beautiful pearls of wisdom that flowed from Shri Shuklaji's teachings and
make a garland out of it. Needless to say, if there are any unwanted pearls in
this garland, they are purely because of my limitations. This is the third
edition of the book (first one was in English in 2017, second in Hindi in
2018). This book has more information compared to earlier editions. I beg
pardon from the learned readers for the mistakes that I might have committed
due to my ignorance and may not have presented my Guru's thoughts properly.
- Stock: In Stock
- Author: Prof. A. B. Shukla
- SKU: DCI-00200
- ISBN: 978-819377046